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Kiambu Water > Who We Are

Who We Are

Kiambu Water & Sewerage Company Limited was established in year 2006 as a company fully owned by the defunct Kiambu Municipal Council to ensure efficient and economical provision of water and sewerage services within Kiambu municipality and its environs.
Following the promulgation of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and implementation of the devolution schedule, the ownership of the company was transferred to the County Government of Kiambu.

KIWASCO Service Area Map

KIWASCO Utility Network

Kamiti weir (intake and full treatment plant): production capacity of 4,000 cubic meters of water per day.

Riara weir (intake and full treatment plant): production capacity of 4,000 cubic meters of water per day.

19 boreholes (15 operational 4 dry)

Bulk supply from Nairobi Water Company

The company also offers sewerage services to its customers. It currently has one sewerage treatment plant, whose capacity is overstretched.

We recognize the important role played by community water projects in supplementing water supply in parts of our service area more so in Kiamumbi, Kanunga and Kirigiti.

Water coverage:  67%

Sewerage Coverage:  12%

Hours of service per day:  19

Comparative Data on Performance


Since inception of Kiambu Water and Sewerage Company (KIAWSCO) in 2006  to date there has been  significant growth in the following parameters

  • Water coverage,
  • Number of connections,
  • Volume of water produced & billed,
  • Revenue collected,
  • Number of staff,
  • Hours of water supply,
  • Non revenue water

The graphs that follow indicate  each parameter’s trend  since (2006- 2022)  for comparison purposes.

The Company has achieved the following over time:

  • Successful development of two surface water sources on Rivers Riara and Kamiti  to supplement  NCWSC bulk water supply and borehole sources by AWWDA.
  • Received and utilized seventeen million (17) Kenyan shillings from Water Services Trust fund in 2013 to improve water  supply services in   Kihingo area and improve sanitation within lower Kiambu Town.
  • Received and utilized twenty six (26) million Kenyan Shillings from Water Services Trust Fund in 2014 to improve water services in Rockline and Indian Bazaar areas through construction of two (2) elevated steel and installation of assorted  8.5km water networks.
  • KIWASCO received a grant of 14 million  from WSTF (Conditional Liquidity Support Grant ) to subsidize operations.
  • Take over of   5 No. run down community water projects  within KIWASCO supply area ( Gichocho, Gishiru, Karunga, Ndumberi, Kihingo, currently we are at advanced stages to take over Kamiti Anmer project).
  • Implementation of a cashless revenue collection by use of banking and Mpesa services. Cash is not collected in the office.
  • Smart meter reading, in-house billing, incorporating sms billing, bill query (*483*85#) and customer complaint handling module.
  • Improved the working conditions of KIWASCO staff.
  • KIWASCO was awarded by WASREB in FY 19/20 as the No.1 out of 81 WSPs with the best customer services in Kenya.
  • KIWASCO in 2021 received a flashing unit for better maintenance of sewer networks.
  • Extensive water extensions across the 4 wards ( specifically Ndumberi and Ting’ang’a).
  • KIWASCO is at 85% mapping all its water supply networks and  associated accessories as well as consumer connections on GIS software’s.

The Company experiences the following challenges:

  • Lack of water supply infrastructure to 33% of our coverage area.
  • High unaccounted for water ( currently at 34%).
  • Interruption of water supply due to breakdown of boreholes (motors and pumps).
  • High operational costs (electricity, bulk water, chemicals, pumps..).
  • Reduction of water volumes from the surface water sources in the dry months of the year ( Kamiti river) sometimes resulting to water conflicts with down stream users.
  • Increased siltation  in our surface water infrastructures after the long rains  which reduces the volume of water at the intakes (Kamiti river).
  • Destruction of water pipelines during road construction works.
  • Theft of water & sewerage infrastructure (manhole covers, water meters and pipes, valves etc).
  • Sewer treatment plant stretched beyond the design capacity due to population growth.
  • Inadequate documentation of ownership of key assets e.g. land.
  • Encroachment of wayleave and road reserve by developers.